We love collaborating with old friends and meeting new ones. You make all the difference.
Our services.
Zoning and Design Guidelines
We have assisted many communities with zoning changes, including Form-Based Codes. We also create design guidelines either incorporated into the zoning or as stand-alone documents.
We offer zoning and design guidelines as stand-alone services or as components of strategic and comprehensive plans.
MBTA Communities Act
We worked directly with EOHLC, MHP, and RKG Associates to create and update the Compliance Model and companion how-to guide. We also collaborated with EOHLC and MHP to develop the Sample Zoning as a guide for communities modifying their zoning for compliance.
Since 2022, we have worked with over 15 communities to evaluate options for compliance. As communities get closer to their deadlines, we have added public engagement, draft zoning, and zoning review to our services. We are excited to help communities with their efforts to plan for and comply with the MBTA Communities Act in ways that address the specific needs of each community.
Municipal Services
We assist communities with many targeted needs, including developing RFPs for the disposition of municipal property, sign and façade improvement programs, permitting guides, targeted community engagement, design guidelines, and other needs.
We work with the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative to help communities with efforts to revitalize their downtowns and commercial centers.
Strategic Plans
We work with communities to develop strategic plans for neighborhoods, downtowns, corridors, and site-specific areas, including waterfronts.
We have a strong background in helping communities use urban renewal as a tool to address long-standing inequities in distressed areas, some of which were caused by earlier urban renewal efforts.
We have worked with MassDevelopment and MHP on some of these projects.
Public/Private Partnerships
We also work with private firms, including the creation of HDIP and UCH-TIF plans in collaboration with communities.
Comprehensive Plans
Comprehensive planning is an important tool to help communities direct limited resources and capacity to community needs. We work with smaller communities to develop plans that are targeted to specific needs unique to each community.
We also work with teams to assist larger communities, typically as the land use and zoning experts on the team. We help translate the vision for the community into actionable strategies, including recommendations for changes to the municipal zoning.